A Human Resource professional with over 30 years management experience, Mary has recruited NASA scientists, created policies for Fortune 100 companies and reduced employee turnover by 70% for Hyatt Hotels. Her credentials include lifetime designation as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). Mary provides Human Resource Solutions to profit and non-profit organizations.
- Human resource expertise on an as-needed basis.
- Cutting-edge solutions and innovative approaches to attracting, retaining and motivating your employees and improving your bottom line.

Mary T. Cooley, Ph.D., SPHR, SCP, is the Principal Consultant for HR Solutions, LLC, a New Mexico based human resource assistance group, founded in 1999, designed to support profit and non-profit organizations in their ability to attract, retain and motivate employees. A human resources professional with over 30 years of HR leadership experience, in the United States and Europe, Cooley has recruited scientists for NASA, created policies for Fortune 100 companies and reduced employee turnover at Hyatt Hotels from 93% to 25% in two years. She possesses a PhD in Organizational Learning from the University of New Mexico and was awarded Distinction for both her dissertation and comprehensive exams. Cooley earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Arizona as well as lifetime certification status as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) from the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) and is a Senior Certified Professional from the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). She is also a certified workplace mediator (UNM, School of Law, 2021).
Cooley is a Past-President of the Human Resource Management Association (HRMA) of New Mexico and has served as co-professional development chair for the NM SHRM State Council. The national Society of Human Resources (SHRM) honored Cooley with the coveted HR Educator of the Year national award for her significant contributions at a regional and national level in advancing education and research in the field of human resources.
Cooley has been named one of New Mexico’s “40 under 40” making a positive difference in the state, by the New Mexico Business Weekly, and has twice been honored, as “A Woman on the Move” by the YWCA of New Mexico. Cooley was honored with the Professional Excellence Award, reserved for the single outstanding human resources professional in each state; and also named New Mexico’s Most Passionate HR Professional, by SHRM.
Cooley and the Hyatt were honored with the Visions Award from the New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women for creating and promoting “family friendly” employment programs that assist all levels of employees. She has served on the Boards of Director’s for Adelante, The American Red Cross and Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities, is a founding member of the United Way’s Women in Philanthropy and recently served on the United Way’s Board. Cooley currently serves on two national boards, Protect Our Defenders, whose mission is dedicated to eradicating assault in the military, and the Disciples Home Mission board, which supports the Disciples of Christ (DOC) churches across the U.S. and Canada. Cooley is a certified Trainer with Development Dimensions International (DDI) and trains audiences across the Southwest on numerous topics including conflict resolution, creating a harassment-free workplace, leadership development and effective communication. Recent clients include: Albuquerque Public Schools, Nusenda Credit Union, The Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Laguna Construction Company, Santa Fe Community College, Los Poblanos Organic Farm, NMSU, Escuela Del Sol Montessori School, Santa Fe Community Foundation, NM Finance Authority and Title VII investigation work through numerous attorneys across NM.
We provide a wide array of services for your human resources needs.
My Clients
Partial List
Expert Witness for New Mexico Based Defense & Plaintiff Attorneys Since 2008
Albuquerque Greater Housing Partnership
Albuquerque Academy
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
La Montanita Co-op
Navajo Nation
Bernalillo County
Casa Esperanza
National Community Land Trust
McKinley Packaging
Dekker Perich Sabatini
El Centro Family Health
Escuela del Sol Montessori School
Heritage Home Health and Hospice
Presbyterian Healthcare
Santa Claran Hotel and Casino
SMPC Architects
Crossroads for Women
Depositions & Trials
Gurule v. Vitality Works – deposed – EW for plaintiff
Williams v. Mann – Bench Trial – EW for plaintiff
11th Judicial District Court, Judge Sarah V. Weaver; Case #D-1116-CV-
2011-00841-3 (Prevailed) -
Retained by Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias & Ward on behalf of Plaintiff. Awaiting documents to review.
Kraft v. RGEC
EW for defense
Case #D-202-CV-2017-00880. NMMWA, class action case. Settled, after written opinion submitted. -
Cameron v. State of NM/HSD
EW for plaintiff
Case #D-101-CV-2019-0236, wrongful termination/retaliation/whistleblower. Settled, after written opinion submitted.